
Untagus works to educate, bring awareness, and rescue victims of human trafficking. We believe prevention is better than cure.
We work to free human trafficking victims by teaching awareness to individuals, businesses, and communities. Untagus helps survivors with Rehabilitation, Reinvention, Reintegration, and launching.

Untagus is an offshoot of Empowered Africa, it (Untagus) is solely focused on Anti Human Trafficking. Untagus serves as an ally for victims of human trafficking, including child sex exploitation of children (CSEC) victims. One of our main objectives is to train individuals and organizations about the Clandestine crime (Human Trafficking). Because only trained individuals can spot the signs. We also teach communities, in Africa about the different forms of human trafficking, including child labor, forced labor, servitude, and sex trafficking.

When I was growing up, my mother never told me she loved me, and yet I knew she did. When I had a daughter I thought she was insane for not telling me “I Love You.” I Love You is the three-letter word my daughter hears, more than 20 times in a day. She’s woken up several times a night, to be told “I Love You” She has mastered saying “I Love You too Manman” while still sleeping. My heart is always full in those moments, but I’m always hit with deep sadness a few seconds after. Some nights my sadness ends in tears because I know that while my little girl is being woken up and easily falling asleep after her soft “I Love You Too Manman.” There are thousands, around the world, perhaps even in my own beautiful, quiet neighborhood who are being woken up to be molested, trafficked, drugged, and violated. The thought that while I plant a kiss on my sweet girl’s lips, there are several other sweet girls who are being drugged and forced to put unimaginable things in their mouths. This is the reality of our world, it’s happening everywhere, in all kinds of neighborhoods. The sad fact is that only the trained eye can see it. This is why Untagus is passionate about training as many people as we possibly can, about Human Trafficking; what it is, how to spot it, and how we can all work together to stop this clandestine crime.

We help rescued individuals by rehabilitating them, reinventing them, reintegrating them, and launching them into society, after the “Life”

Rehabilitation: is one of the first things that we have to do for survivors, because it helps them get back to their normal way of life, sans the abuse. We have to get them to a healthy place physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Reinvention: is a very important part of surviving human Trafficking, many survivors believe that they are worthless and incapable of doing anything else. This is mostly due to the lies that their traffickers used to control, and coerce them. After being told you’re incapable of doing anything, so many times, anyone can start to believe those lies. That’s where we come in, reframe their mindsets and help them uncover the treasures hidden in each of them.

Reintegration: is a very crucial and difficult stage for survivors of Human Trafficking, because of the misconstrued ideas society has about Trafficking. Many people believe that anyone involved in prostitution is a prostitute. That is why we are passionate about training individuals, communities, and organizations about Human Trafficking. Many people who work as prostitutes are victims of sex trafficking, they work for their traffickers, pimps AKA Johns. Remember Human Trafficking Is the exploitation of people by third parties, to benefit from their labor, It is modern-day slavery. People who are trafficked are treated as commodities.

Launching: after Rehabilitation, Reinvention, Reintegration, a survivor is ready to be launched into their brand new spanking life. All they need is community support, resources, and a safe place to live. Once they know their purpose they cannot be stopped.